The Stoa of Attalos and Archaeological Museum of the Ancient Agora of Athens

The Stoa of Attalos colonnade

The portico of the stoa is pictured here.

The Archaeological Museum of the ancient Agora of Athens (Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αρχαίας Αγοράς Αθηνών) is hosted in the Hellenistic Stoa of Atallos, which is inside the Agora archaeological site.

The Stoa of Attalos was rebuilt in the 1950’s from the ground up with the purpose of storing the artifacts unearthed in the Agora excavations, and to house the museum where the most important items can be exhibited.

The museum’s portico is a beautiful area that gives visitors insight on how an ancient Athenian would feel in its shelter. In Ancient Greece, this part of the stoa would be busy with merchants bartering with buyers behind their benches among the hustle and bustle of a busy marketplace. Today, the stoa’s portico is a peaceful area where visitors find refuse from the sun and relax among statues from the Greco-Roman era.