
Brauron (Βραυρών, Βραυρώνα, also transliterated Vravron, Vravrona) is an ancient sanctuary in eastern Attica near Athens. It was dedicated to the Goddess Artemis and it can be related to the Brauronion on the Acropolis of Athens.

Worship on the site can be dated to the 8th c. BCE, and a temple was built in the 6th c on the site, while most of the major building activity is dated to the late 5th c. BCE.

Brauron Timeline

3500-2000 BCEEarly Bronze Age: First known settlement in Brauron area
2000-1600 BCEMiddle Bronze Age: Fortified settlement at the acropolis
1600-1230 BCEDense population on the hill. Chamber tombs on Lapoutsi and Chamlia hills
1230-900 BCESettlements abandoned
900-700 BCESettlements at Kipi and Metochi locations. Evidence of worship activities on site
700-480 BCEMost active period. Building of Artemis temple, the Stoa, and stone bridge
450-300 BCESunctuary peak era
300 BCESanctuary abandonment

The Archaeological Site

The Π-shaped stoa is the most visible ruin on the site. The stoa is of the Doric style and it encloses a central courtyard that’s 20x27m. Votive statues were displayed behind the colonnade, of which only the two side columns were completed. The stoa was built between 425 and 420 BCE, making it the oldest stoa in Greece.

A series of ritual feasting rooms were located behind the stoa colonnade.

A small church dedicated to St. George (16th c. CE) is located adjacent to the foundations of the ancient temple of Artemis, above the sacred spring.

The temple of Artemis was a Doric temple in antis with opisthodromus – adyton, and was built in the 5th c. BCE. Only the foundations are visible today.

A unique example of a ancient, classical era, bridge survives at Brauron. It’s 9m wide and bridges the banks of Erasinos river – an 8m long span.

Brauron Sanctuary Photos

Brauron Archaeological site photos.

Location of Brauron within the modern borders of Greece
Location of Brauron within the modern borders of Greece