Lead tablet found at Dodona. Devotees submitted their questions to the oracle inscribed on lead sheets. They give us a rare glimpse into the worries of the common people of ancient Greece. The long lead sheet on top reads “[Διί] τωι Νάωι καί ται Διώναι ή μή χρηύνται Δωρίωι τώ[ι] ψυχαγωγωι;” (Some ask Zeus Naios and Dione if they should seek the advice of Dorios, the necromancer). The lead sheet below the long one, in the middle of the picture reads: ” Στρατεεύομαι/κατά γάι;” (Should I serve on land? – meaning on a military land unit).
Exhibited at the Ioannina Archaeological Museum. Epirus, Greece.