Eleusis Archaeological Museum

Το Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Ελευσίνας. The Archaeological Museum of Eleusis (or Elefsis) is a small museum, located on the low hill above the Telesterion. It shelters artifacts unearthed in the excavations of the surrounding site, ranging in age from Neolithic to Byzantine times.

Pre-Classical Artifacts

Top row, left to right:

  1. Fleeing maiden. Female statue from the pediment of the Sacred House which depicted the abduction of Kore. 490-480 BCE.
  2. Proto-Attic amphora detail with depiction from the Odyssey: Odysseus and his men driving a stake into the Cyclops’ eye.
  3. Proto-Attic amphora. On the neck, a scene from the Odyssey depicting Odysseus and his men driving a stake into the Cyclops’ eye. On the body it has a scene of Perseus beheading the Medusa.
    From the West Cemetery. Mid-7th c BCE.
  4. Group of large Geometric Amphorae.

Second row:

  1. Stone statuettes: A marble figurine of Cycladic type from the Early Helladic period (left), and a female figurine from the Neolithic period (right).
  2. Marble head of a horse. Late 6th c. BC.
  3. 3,4: Archaic Kouros. 6th c. BCE

Classical and Hellenistic Artifacts

Top row, left to right:

  1. Statue of Demeter, attributed to the sculptor Agorakritos’ workshop. Circa 420 BCE.
  2. Statue of Asklepios dedicated by Epicrates son of Pamphilos. Original 320 BCE.
  3. Persephone Kore (Roman copy).
  4. Archaistic statue of Dionysos. 3rd c. BCE.
  5. Nude male statue.

Second row:

  1. Votive relief depicting Demeter seated on a throne with a Kore holding torches. First quarter of the 5th c. BC.
  2. Kore wearing an obliquely draped Ionian himation and a chiton. 4th-3rd c. BCE.
  3. Statue of Antinoos in the type of Asklepios or Dionysos. Roman, 2nd c. CE.
  4. Bust of Athena emerging from lotus.
  5. Caryatid from the Lesser Propylaia. Late 1st c. BCE.

More from the Collection

  1. Bronze cinerary urn set in a poros block. It contained the cremated remains of a woman. From the west cemetery of Eleusis. 480 c. BCE.
  2. Roman era votive slab with a depiction of the processing of oil (olive-press, cistern, and a vase with a bust of Athena as a lid.
  3. Two views of a partial entablature reconstruction of the Telesterion of Peisistratos. Decorative ram’s head from the sima. 6th c. BC.

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