Ancient Greece Timeline

Petralona scull
(Dating estimates vary widely from 700000 to 160000 years before present)
Paleolithic Period
(2.5 million – 10000 BCE)
Apidima Cave scull fragment is the earliest example of modern humans (early Homo sapiens) found outside Africa.210000 years ago
 13000 BCEMesolithic Period
(13000 – 7000 BCE)
Earliest evidence of burials found in Franchthi Cave in the Argolid, Greece7250 BCE 
Evidence of food producing economy, simple hut construction, and seafaring in mainland Greece and the Aegean7000 BCENeolithic Period
(7000 – 3000 BCE)
First “Megaron House” at Sesclo, in central Greece5700 BCE 
Evidence of earliest fortifications at Dimini, Greece3400 BCE 
 3200 BCE Early Cycladic Culture
(3200 – 2000 BCE) 
Houses of Vasiliki and Myrtos
Messara Tholoi
House of Tiles at Lerna   
3000 BCEAegean Bronze Age
or Early Bronze Age 

(3000 – 2000 BCE)

Minoan Prepalatial or EMIA, EMIB
(3000 – 2600 BCE)

Early Helladic Period
(3000 – 2000 BCE) 
 2600 BCEMinoan Prepalatial Period 
(2600 – 2000 BCE) 
Destruction of Minoan settlements2000 BCEMinoan Protopalatial Period
(1900 – 1700 BCE)

Early Middle Cycladic 
(2000-1600 BCE) 

Middle Helladic Period
or Middle Bronze Age 
(2000-1550 BCE)
1750Mycenaean Culture
(1750 – 1050 BCE)
Destruction of Minoan palaces
Settlement of Akrotiri, Thera
Grave Circle B at Mycenae 
1700 BCEMinoan Neopalatial Period
or: LMIA Advanced, LMIA Final, LMIB Early, LMIB Late, LMII 
(1700 – 1400 BCE)
Eruption of Thera volcano (sometime between 1627 and 1600) 1627 BCE 
Grave Circle A at Mycenae 
 Argo Voyage, Heracles, Oedipus
1600 BCELate Bronze Period
or The Heroic Age 
(1600 – 1100 BCE) 
Tholos Tomb at Mycenae 1550 BCELate Helladic Period
(1500 – 1100 BCE)

Late Cycladic Period
(1500 – 1100 BCE)
Linear B writing (1450-1180) 1450 BCE 
Mycenaean Palaces 
Evidence of expanded Mycenaean trade at Levand 
1400 BCEMinoan Postpalatial Period
(1400 – 1100 BCE) 
Palace of Knossos destruction1370 BCE 
“Sea Peoples” begin raids in the Eastern Mediterranean1300 BCE
Trojan War (1250 or 1210) 1250 BCE 
Destruction of many Mycenaean palaces
Doric Invasions? (1200-1100)
Sea Peoples (1200-1100)
1200 BCE 
 1180 BCE Sub-Mycenaean Period 
(1180 – 1050 BCE)
Destruction of Miletus and resettlement1100 BCESub-Minoan Period
(1150 – 950 BCE) 

Dark Age of Greece
(1100 – 700 BCE)

Proto-Geometric Period
(1100 – 900 BCE)
End of Mycenaean civilization
Lefkandi: Toumba building
1000 BCE 
 900 BCEGeometric Period
(900 – 700 BCE) 
First Olympic Games776 BCE 
Greek colonies established in Southern Italy & Sicily
Invention of Greek alphabet 
Homeric poems recorded in writing (750-700)
750 BCELate Geometric 
(circa 760 – 700 BCE) 
 740 BCEOrientalizing Period
(circa 740 – 650 BCE)
First Messenian War 
Sparta invades Messenia 
Naxos founded (734) 
Syracuse founded (733) 
730 BCE 
 700 BCEArchaic Period
(700 – 480 BCE)
Earliest Lyric Poets 650 BCE 
Second Messenian War
Sparta invades Messenia (640-630)
Cyrene founded (630) 
640 BCE 
Sappho born in Lesbos630 BCE 
Thales (625-545) born in Miletos625 BCE 
Pythagoras (ca. 569-475) born in Samos569 BCE 
Solon replaces the Draconian law in Athens and lays the foundation for Democracy.
He introduced to Athens the first coinage and a system of weights and measures
594 BCE 
Pisistratos becomes tyrant of Athens546 BCE 
Pesistratos Dies. His sons become tyrants of Athens527 BCE 
Red-figure pottery developed in Athens525 BCE 
Alcmaeonid family and Spartans free Athens from tyranny.
Introduction of Democracy in Athens
510 BCE 
Kleisthenes begins reforming Athenian code of laws, and establishes a democratic constitution508 BCE 
Ionian revolt499 BCE 
Ionian revolt defeated by Persians494 BCE 
Persian Wars497-479 BCE 
Battle of Marathon
Athenians defeat Darius and his Persian army
490 BCE 
Silver mines discovered near Athens. 
Athens begin building naval fleet
483 BCE 
Aristides ostracized482 BCE 
Xerxes marches on Greece
Battle of Thermopylae
Persians burn the Acropolis
Athens and allies defeat Persian fleet at naval battle of Salamis
480 BCEClassical Period
(480 – 323 BCE)

(480 – 450 BCE)
Battle of Plataea
Greeks defeat Persian army
479 BCE 
Delian league lead by Athens477 BCE 
Earthquake in Lakonia
Helot revolt against Sparta in Messenia
465 BCE 
Peloponnesian Wars:
“First Peloponnesian War” 
Perikles leads Athens through its “Golden Era” (ca. 460-429)460 BCE 
Aeschylus produces “the Oresteia” trilogy of tragedies (Agamemnon, Libation Barers, Eumenides) in Athens458 BCE 
Delian league treasury moved from Delos to Athens454 BCE 
Sophist Protagoras visits Athens450 BCE 
Acropolis and other major building projects begin in Athens 
Construction of Parthenon (449-432)
Sophocles produces the tragedy “Ajax”
449 BCE 
Thirty-year peace treaty signed between Athens and Sparta in winter 446/445 446 BCE 
Sophocles produces “Antigone” in Athens 430-429 441 BCE 
Peloponnesian War (431-404) resumes
Euripedes produces “Medea” in Athens
431 BCE 
Plague epidemic in Athens430 BCE 
Death of Perikles429 BCE 
Peace of Nicias421 BCE 
Construction of Temple of Athena Nike (420-410)420 BCE 
Athenians resume hostilities
Spartans defeat Athens at Mantinea
418 BCE 
Athens razes Melos416 BCE 
Athens expedition to Syracuse
Alcibiades defects to Sparta
415 BCE 
Syracuse defeats Athens413 BCE 
Aristophanes produces “Lysistrata”411 BCE 
Athens surrenders to Sparta
Thirty tyrants rule Athens 
404 BCE 
Democracy restored in Athens403 BCE 
Trial and execution of Socrates399 BCE 
Plato establishes the Athens Academy 380 BCE 
Sparta defeated in Leuctra371 BCE 
Thebes defeats Sparta at Mantinea362 BCE 
Philip II, becomes King of Macedonia359 BCE 
Macedonian army defeats Athens and its allies at Chaeronea
League of Corinth founded
338 BCE 
Phillip II Assassinated.
Alexander the Great becomes king of Macedonia
336 BCE 
Aristotle founds the Lyceum in Athens335 BCE 
Alexander the Great defeats Persian army at Granicus river in Anatolia334 BCE 
Alexander the Great defeats Persians at Issus333 BCE 
Tyre capitulates to Alexander after siege332 BCE 
Alexander invades Egypt
City of Alexandria founded in Egypt
Alexander defeats Persians at Gaugamela
331 BCE 
Alexander’s army reaches Bactria (Afghanistan)329 BCE 
Alexander marries Roxane (princes of Bactria)327 BCE 
Alexander’s army reaches India326 BCE 
Death of Alexander the Great323 BCEHellenistic Period
(323 – 146 BCE)
Aristotle dies322 BCE 
Stoic philosopher Zeno founds school in Athens310 BCE 
Stoic philosopher Epicurus founds school in Athens307 BCE 
Ptolemy I founds museum in Alexandria300 BCE 
Archimedes (287-212) born in Syracuse287 BCE 
Achaean League founded284 BCE 
Invasion of Greece by Gauls279 BCE 
Gauls defeated by king Attalus I238 BCE 
First Macedonian War (214-204)
Rome defeats Philip V of Macedon 
214 BCE 
Second Macedonian War (200-196)
Victory of Flamininus at Cynoscephalae
200 BCE 
Third Macedonian War (172-168/7)
Lucius Aemelius Paulus of Rome defeats Perseus of Macedon at Pydna.
Macedonia divided into four republics
172 BCE 
Roman Invasion of Greece
Mummius Achaicus sacks Corinth and dissolves the Achaean league.
Rome rules Greece henceforth
146 BCELate Hellenistic or Greco-Roman 
(146 – 30 BCE)
Romans led by Sulla sack Athens86 BCE 
Battle of Aktion
Octavian (later Augustus) defeats Mark Antony and Cleopatra
31 BCE 
Death of Cleopatra
30 BCEEnd of “Ancient Greece” period 


This history of Ancient Greece is divided into the following chapters:

Antikythera Mechanism Gears Rendering Image
Timeline in Pictures