
  • Charioteer of Delphi

    The “Charioteer of Delphi” (Greek: Ἡνίοχος, the rein-holder; often transliterated as “Iniohos”) is one of the best known ancient Greek statues, and one of the best preserved Classical bronze casts. It is considered a fine example of the Early Classical,…

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  • Delphi Archaeological Museum

    The Archaeological Museum of Delphi shelters the wealth of artifacts unearthed during excavations at the Delphi oracle and its vicinity. It is located adjacent to the archaeological site, and it is one of the top must-see museums in Greece, mainly…

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  • Delphi Archaeological Site

    Delphi is one of the most important archaeological sites in Greece. The magnitude of the Delphi contributions to the entire ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean were significant, and the extensive excavations have unearthed a wealth of historical information and exquisite…

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  • Temple of Apollo at Delphi

    Central among the number of imposing ruins that are interspersed on the southern slopes of Parnassos mountain is the temple of Apollo. It is an imposing temple of the Doric order whose existence was woven through the turbulent history of…

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  • Treasury of the Athenians

    The Athenian Treasury was a votive building in the form of a reduced scale temple, designed to hold the multitude of Athenian offerings to the Delphi oracle. The building was constructed entirely of Parian marble and had a Doric frieze…

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  • Siphnian Treasury

    The Siphnian treasury was dedicated at Delphi around 525 BCE by the inhabitants of Siphnos island which is located in the western Cyclades, in the Aegean Sea. In ancient Greece it housed the votive offerings of the Siphnians to the…

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  • Delphi History

    Apollo squinted in the bright sunlight and calmly tensed his muscles as he pulled his bow. He released his arrows one after the other until Python’s blood was spilled and his life escaped in the thin air. Python-dragon,the faithful guardian…

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