
  • Parthenon frieze. Block E V

    The Parthenon Frieze

    The Parthenon Frieze

    The Parthenon frieze is a continuous 1 meter high, 160 meters long, and 6 centimeters deep band of relief sculptures, created specifically to crown the entirety of the temple’s exterior wall. The sculptures are executed in low relief…

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  • Parthenon metope. Lapith fights a Centaur.

    Parthenon Metopes

    Parthenon Metopes

    The Parthenon metopes were visible on the exterior of the temple above the colonnade. They were sculpted in deep relief and surrounded the temple on all sides. Most Greek temples had few decorated metopes, but in the Parthenon…

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  • Harvester Vase (or Harvester Rhyton) detail of farm workers walking with sticks over their shoulders

    The Harvester Vase

    The Harvester Vase

    A masterpiece of low relief sculpture The Harvester Vase is a rhyton from Bronze Age Crete, Greece, unearthed in the Minoan villa known as Agia Triada. It was made of steatite, which is a green-brown soapstone, between 1500…

    Read more: The Harvester Vase