
  • Dodona Archaeological Site

    Dodona (Δωδώνα, Δωδώνη, Dodoni) is an archaeological site in Epiros, Greece, about 22 km southwest from the town of Ioannina. For over a millennium and until the 4th century BCE the sanctuary of Zeus and Dione at Dodona was a renown…

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  • Gigantomachy

    Division of the World Table of Contents Zeus and his brothers, who, having gained a complete victory over their enemies, began to consider how the world, which they had conquered, should be divided between them. At last it was settled…

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  • Semele

    Princess from Phoenicia Table of Contents Semele, a beautiful princess, the daughter of Cadmus, king of Phoenicia, was greatly beloved by Zeus.  Like the unfortunate Callisto, she was hated by Hera with jealous malignity, and the haughty queen of heaven…

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  • Winds

    Aeolus Table of Contents According to the oldest accounts, Æolus was a king of the Æolian Islands, to whom Zeus gave the command of the winds, which he kept shut up in a deep cave, and which he freed at…

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  • Zeus

    Ruler of Heaven and Earth Table of Contents Zeus, (Jupiter, Ζεύς, Δίας) the great presiding deity of the universe, the ruler of heaven and earth, was regarded by the Greeks, first, as the god of all aërial phenomena; secondly, as…

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  • Dodona History

    Dodona (Δωδώνα, Δωδώνη, Dodoni) is an important ancient Greek oracle, second in fame only to Delphi. It is located in a strategic pass at the eastern slopes of the imposing Mt. Tomaros, close to the modern city of Ioannina in Epiros.…

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