Map of Ancient Greece
Read more: Map of Ancient GreeceOn this page: Map Index Alphabetical Index [opens in new window] Prefer the PDF maps when available. They offer cleaner images, they are searchable through your browser’s “find” function, and the text stays clear when you zoom in.…
Ancient Greece Timeline
Read more: Ancient Greece TimelinePetralona scull(Dating estimates vary widely from 700000 to 160000 years before present) Paleolithic Period(2.5 million – 10000 BCE) Apidima Cave scull fragment is the earliest example of modern humans (early Homo sapiens) found outside Africa. 210000 years ago…
Ancient Greece Timeline In Pictures
Read more: Ancient Greece Timeline In PicturesThis is a slideshow that includes significant objects from each historical period of Ancient Greece, starting in the Mesolithic era, and ending in Byzantine times. Click on an image to enter the slideroom.
Ancient Greece Map Index
Read more: Ancient Greece Map IndexThis is the index of the Ancient Greek Map [click to open in new tab] Place Map Location Index of the Ancient Greek Map [click to open in new tab] Name, Name = Name variation in same eraName…
Greek Mythology
Read more: Greek MythologyThe ancient Greek spiritual beliefs, religion, and oral tradition are all reflected and formulated through rich myths and legends that besides entertainment provided an articulation of Greek civilization’s moral fiber, as it evolved over the centuries. Above all,…
Daedalus and Icarus
Read more: Daedalus and IcarusDaedalus Dædalus [Δαίδαλος], a descendant of Erechtheus, was an Athenian architect, sculptor, and mechanician. He was the first {212} to introduce the art of sculpture in its higher development, for before his time statues were merely rude representations,…
Read more: IonIon was the son of Crëusa (the beauteous daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens) and the sun-god Phoebus-Apollo, to whom she was united without the knowledge of her father. Fearing the anger of Erechtheus, Crëusa placed her new-born…
Read more: AtalantaAtalanta was distinguished for her beauty and courage, as well as for her swift-footed. She was nursed by a she-bear, and at last found by some hunters, who reared her and named her Atalanta. Though often wooed, she…
Read more: TheseusTheseus (Θησεύς) Aegeus, king of Athens, being twice married, and having no children, was so desirous of an heir to his throne that he made a pilgrimage to Delphi in order to consult the oracle. But the response…
Ships in Ancient Greece
Read more: Ships in Ancient GreeceGreece is surrounded by water and sprinkled with islands within a few hours sail, so it is natural that the people of Greece flourished for three thousand years by mastering the waves and establishing commercial networks and cities.…