Acropolis Museum

  • Parthenon with reconstruction of the east pediment.

    The Parthenon Pediments

    The Parthenon Pediments

    The Parthenon pediments were lavishly adorned with sculptures that filled their triangular shapes in both the east and west facades. The sculptures of the Parthenon pediments are some of the finest examples of classical Greek art. Both sculptural…

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  • The calf-bearer

    Moschoforos (The Calf Bearer)

    Moschoforos (The Calf Bearer)

    Moschoforos, or The Calf Bearer. Marble, 1.64 m tall, c. 560 BCE. Atributed to the sculptor Phaidimos. The statue was dedicated by Romvos (Rombos), and carries a sucrificial calf for Athena. The statue is unique in that it does…

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  • The original Caryatids (Caryatides) statues from the Erechtheion. View from above.

    Acropolis Museum

    Acropolis Museum

    The Acropolis Museum (Μουσείο Ακρόπολης) shelters artifacts found in excavations at the adjacent Acropolis of Athens. Highlights include the sculptures from all the major buildings on the Acropolis: the Parthenon, the caryatids of the Erechtheion, the sculptures from…

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  • The Kritios Boy Head Detail

    The Kritios Boy Sculpture

    The Kritios Boy Sculpture

    The Kritios Boy (or Kritian Boy). Marble. 1.17 m (3 ft 10 in) tall. Believed to be the creation of Kritios, the teacher of Myron. Circa 480 BCE. It was found in two parts at the Acropolis of…

    Read more: The Kritios Boy Sculpture