
  • Clay tablet with spiral inscription

    Minoan Culture

    Minoan Culture

    Language The Phaistos Disk is the earliest, and only script of its kind we have from the Minoans. It is dated to 1700 BCE and resembles Egyptian hieroglyphs. Around the same time, or soon after, a syllable based script…

    Read more: Minoan Culture
  • Minotaur Statue

    Theseus and the Minotaur

    Theseus and the Minotaur

    The Minotaur The Minotaur was a terrible monster with the body of a man, and the head of a bull, born from the union of Pasiphae and the bull offered as a gift to Minos by Poseidon. His lair…

    Read more: Theseus and the Minotaur
  • Libation vase in the shape of a bull's head.

    History of Minoan Crete

    History of Minoan Crete

    The Minoans (c. 3500 – 1100 BCE) had developed significant naval power and for many centuries lived in contact with all the major civilizations of the time. With their powerful navy they flourished in the island of Crete…

    Read more: History of Minoan Crete