Read more: AteAte was a mythological deity who induced both gods and men alike into rash decisions. She was even able to deceive Zeus. On the day of Heracles’ expected birth (Zeus’ son by Alcmene), Ate convinced Zeus to take…
Read more: AthenaThere is speculation as to whether Pallas Athena had a mother, but Zeus is undoubtedly her father as every account of her birth depicts her springing fully-grown and adorned in armour from his head. If she did have…
Read more: CallistoCallisto’s story is one of many wherein a youth wrongfully feels the wrath of the divine through no fault of their own. Callisto’s father had been a king of Arcadia, and she herself a maiden follower of Artemis.…
Charites (Graces)
Read more: Charites (Graces)All those gentler attributes which beautify and refine human existence were personified by the Greeks under the form of three lovely sisters, Euphrosyne, Aglaia, and Thalia, the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome (or, according to later writers, of…
Read more: DanaePerseus, one of the most renowned of the legendary heroes of antiquity, was the son of Zeus and Danaë, daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos. An oracle having foretold to Acrisius that a son of Danaë would be…
Read more: DemeterAs the domain of men was hunting and gathering, the women took to plowing and scattering seeds to reap harvest. A female deity would best understand a woman’s work, and Demeter was born to worship. She was the…
Dionysus (Bacchus)
Read more: Dionysus (Bacchus)Dionysus, also called Bacchus (from bacca, berry), was the god of wine, and the personification of the blessings of Nature in general. The worship of this divinity, which is supposed to have been introduced into Greece from Asia…
Eros and Psyche
Read more: Eros and PsycheEros, the alleged son of Aphrodite, is most commonly known for his Latin name: Cupid. He could stir desire into the hearts of anyone he pleased with a simple draw and release of his enchanted arrow. The story…
Read more: EuropaThe love story between Zeus and Europa is unusual on many account from Zeus’ other affairs. Europa is not only spared Hera’s jealous wrath, she also gains geographic fame through this story. Europa was troubled by a dream…
Read more: EurynomeEurynome was mother to the Charities (the Three Graces) with Zeus. She was daughter of the titan Oceanus. In the myths pertaining to Hephaestus, Eurynome and the goddess Thetis nursed the Olympian god when he was an infant…