
  • The Kritios Boy Head Detail

    The Kritios Boy Sculpture

    The Kritios Boy Sculpture

    The Kritios Boy (or Kritian Boy). Marble. 1.17 m (3 ft 10 in) tall. Believed to be the creation of Kritios, the teacher of Myron. Circa 480 BCE. It was found in two parts at the Acropolis of…

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  • Temple of Athena Nike at the Acropolis of Athens

    Temple of Athena Nike

    Temple of Athena Nike

    The small temple of Athena Nike is perched above the ascent to the Acropolis, and is visible as one approaches the Propylaea. The southwest of the Acropolis plateau, right next to the Propylaia, has been an important location…

    Read more: Temple of Athena Nike
  • The foundations of the Old Temple at the Acropolis of Athens

    Acropolis: Old Temple

    Acropolis: Old Temple

    Between the Parthenon and the Erechtheion a careful observer can make out the foundations of an old temple dating to the 6th century BCE. With time it came to be known as the “Old Temple” for it was…

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  • Erechtheion Caryatids Proch



    While the Parthenon was the most imposing temple on the Acropolis, another building, the Erechtheion was built to accommodate the religious rituals that the old temple housed. Construction of the Erechtheion began in 420 while the Peloponnesian war…

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  • Acropolis of Athens Propylaea



    The Προπύλαια (Propylaea, Propylaia) were built as a monumental entrance to the Acropolis rock. It is an imposing building that surrounds the natural entrance to the plateau, and one approached it in ancient times through an inclining ramp…

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  • The Acropolis of Athens

    Acropolis Archaeological Site

    Acropolis Archaeological Site

    The Acropolis (Ακρόπολις) archaeological site includes monuments and artifacts going back at least to the Mycenaean era. In its 3000 years old history, the Acropolis of Athens has enjoyed a significant position both in the history to its…

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  • Asprochaliko general view



    The Paleolitchic rock shelter known as Ασπροχάλικο (Asprochaliko), is a small archaeological site in Epirus, Greece. According to the information on the site, this rock shelter was excavated between 1964 and 1966 and has a 6-meter sequence of…

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  • Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae



    Βάσσαι (Bassae, also transilterated as Bassai) is an archaeological site in the Pelopponese which is home to the Classical Era temple of Apollo Epikourios. The temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassae of Figaleia still has its colonnade standing…

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  • Brauron: the Π-Shaped Stoa



    Brauron (Βραυρών, Βραυρώνα, also transliterated Vravron, Vravrona) is an ancient sanctuary in eastern Attica near Athens. It was dedicated to the Goddess Artemis and it can be related to the Brauronion on the Acropolis of Athens. Worship on the…

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  • The Bull Leaping fresco depicts athletes leaping over a charging bull

    Crete: Minoan Archaeological Sites

    Crete: Minoan Archaeological Sites

    Crete (Κρήτη), home of the ancient Minoan civilization, is the largest Greek island in the center of the busy eastern Mediterranean sea lanes. The island’s rich historical heritage spans more than nine millennia, with its fertile, secure, and…

    Read more: Crete: Minoan Archaeological Sites