
  • Eurynome


    Eurynome was mother to the Charities (the Three Graces) with Zeus. She was daughter of the titan Oceanus.  In the myths pertaining to Hephaestus, Eurynome and the goddess Thetis nursed the Olympian god when he was an infant…

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  • Furies


    The three Furies—Tisiphone, Megaera and Alecto—were deities of vengeance.  The Iliad depicts them as residing below Earth in the underworld where they punish evildoers. When the Titan Cronus wounded his father Uranus, the Erinyes sprung from his blood. Their office…

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  • Clay statue of Zeus carrying Ganymedes



    This handsome youth was the prince of Troy, son of Tros (or Laomedon). Because of his unusual beauty, Zeus transformed himself into an eagle and kidnapped Ganymede to serve as a cupbearer to the gods. Some sources say…

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  • Ge


    Earth goddess or Mother Goddess Deity worshiped mainly in Mainland Greece during prehistoric times (aprox. 14th – 11th c.)

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  • Siphnian Treasury Frieze Detail



    The Division of the World Zeus and his brothers, who, having gained a complete victory over their enemies, began to consider how the world, which they had conquered, should be divided between them. At last it was settled…

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  • Glaucus


    Several deities in Greek mythology possessed the name Glaucus.  He was a minor god of the sea endowed with the gift of prophecy. In the story of Jason and the Argonauts, Glaucus bids Jason and his crew to…

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  • gorgoneion



    The Gorgons, Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa, were the three daughters of Phorcys and Ceto, and were the personification of those benumbing, and, as it were, petrifying sensations, which result from sudden and extreme fear. They were frightful winged…

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  • Graeae


    The Grææ, who acted as servants to their sisters the Gorgons, were also three in number; their names were Pephredo, Enyo, and Dino. In their original conception they were merely personifications of kindly and venerable old age, possessing…

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  • Hades (Pluto)

    Hades (Pluto)

    Ruler of the Underworld Table of Contents Aïdes, Aïdoneus, or Hades, was the son of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest brother of Zeus and Poseidon.  He was the ruler of that subterranean region called Erebus, which was…

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  • Harpies


    The Harpies, who, like the Furies, were employed by the gods as instruments for the punishment of the guilty, were three female divinities, daughters of Thaumas and Electra, called Aello, Ocypete, and Celæno. They were represented with the…

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